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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

DNAdyn Single molecule studies of the mitochondrial DNA repliciation dynamics

Dr. Borja Ibarra

DNAdyn Single molecule studies of the mitochondrial DNA repliciation dynamics
    Funding : Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. BFU2012-31825
    Duration: 2013 - 2015
    36 months

imagen 11

Mitochondria are the energy-producing organelle in animals, and mitochondrial function impacts nearly every aspect of cellular function, being critical for life. A full understanding of the mitochodrial function is in need for an in-depth characterization of the mechanochemical processes that govern the operation of the molecular motors involved in the replication of the mitochondrial DNA. We propose to employ a combined approach of biochemistry, structural biology, and single molecule biophysics involving optical tweezers, to study the dynamical and mechanochemical principles responsible for the activity of the proteins involved in the replication of the human mitochondrial DNA. The long-term objective of our research is the elucidation of the mechanism of DNA replication in animal mitochondria, and its relationship to mitochondrial mutagenesis and human disease.
